Architectural Dreamscapes by
July 2022 to January 2023
Institute for Research of Social Sciences (IRISS)
Stanford University
30 Alta Road, Stanford, CA 94305
I'm delighted to have been invited by DeWitt Cheng, (a wonderful curator and art writer) to feature my "Tomorrowland Today" paintings at Stanford's Insititute for Research of Social Sciences building for a 6 month solo exhibition. IRISS is small but nice office building on western edge of Stanford Campus, just below the golf course, not far from 280. I have a total of 13 orginal paintings (oils on canvas) decorating the lobby and conference room. It's open to the public on Tuesday and Thursdays from 8:30am to 5:00pm. Below is map for reference of site and information about these paintings!
Patricia Araujo